Our Vision
By 2027, communities in Hobsons Bay and Melbourne’s west will be more resilient, vibrant and connected, and their wellbeing and culture will be supported by participation in the arts at LJAC.
Our Purpose
We exist to contribute to a strong and vibrant community by supporting wellbeing and connectedness through offering opportunities to share and participate in arts and cultural activities.
Our Mission
Our Values
We operate in accordance with four key values that define all aspects of our work and our approach (CREDS). We demonstrate these values in our work with each other, the way in which we work with the community, and the way in which we govern our organisation.
Louis Joel Arts & Community | Gallery
5 Sargood Street Altona
+61 9398 2511
Post: PO Box 583, Altona VIC 3018
Email: admin@ljac.com.au
Tuesday – Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 11am to 2pm
Entry is always FREE