Louis Joel Gallery champions local art and local artists, developing a diverse program of visual arts exhibitions that reflect the creativity and originality of our community. Through projects and programming Louis Joel Gallery supports artists at all stages of their career to produce and show work in an inclusive and supportive environment.
Louis Joel Gallery is housed within the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre, a vibrant community owned and operated not for profit organisation located on the site of the old Altona Hospital. As such, we look for arts programming that supports local community engagement and assists community development.
Louis Joel Arts & Community | Gallery
5 Sargood Street Altona
+61 9398 2511
Post: PO Box 583, Altona VIC 3018
Email: admin@ljac.com.au
Tuesday – Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 11am to 2pm
Entry is always FREE